Movement Builders

Birmingham Economic Justice Movement Builders - May 2024

Applications will close at 9:00AM on Monday April 8th

This May, NEON is excited to host our latest Movement Builders programme, specifically for leaders and campaigners working to tackle the root causes of economic injustice in Birmingham and the surrounding areas. 

What is Movement Builders?

This two-day training is a mix of practical tools and theory, and will bring together people from across the economic justice movement in Birmingham to strategise and build relationships that last, while developing a deeper understanding of how change is won. 

Core details

  • Details: Movement Builders, Birmingham Economic Justice Special
  • Dates: Saturday May 11th and Sunday May 12th 2024
  • Location: Signing Tree Venue, Birmingham, B16 8SZ
  • Applications will close at 9:00AM on Monday April 8th

What does it involve?

This Movement Builders is a two-day training programme with up to 30 participants that are doing economic justice work in Birmingham and the surrounding areas. The programme will take you through a range of models and exercises which we’ll explore as a whole group and in smaller groups through interactive activities, workshops and discussions. We have a team of trainers and facilitators to help you unpack the learning and apply it to your own organisations and the wider movements you work in.

Apply now

Deadline to apply

April 8, 2024

This programme's applications are now closed. Check back later to apply for the next round.

In partnership with

Key outcomes

NEON's Movement Builders reflects on the lessons of some of the world's most effective social movements, analysing how these struggles lay the groundwork for inspirational social change and how we might take these lessons forward to build successful systemic movements that can win.

Movement Builders provides participants with tools and frameworks to think through this alongside others working to tackle the same problem, with the ultimate aim of building a core group of movement actors able to take the learnings back into the real world, together.

Participants will gain:

  • A shared understanding of the movement they are part of
  • A set of tools to analyse how change is won
  • Deeper relationships with people who share their ambitions for change

Scroll down for further information.

Who is this training for?

This Movement Builders is a training for people working to tackle the root causes of economic injustice in Birmingham and the surrounding areas, and who want to build a new economy based on fairness, democracy, environmental protection and that closes the gap between rich and poor. We welcome applications from people doing this work and who share this ambition, whatever their background, and this programme is open to organisers, campaigners, communicators, service providers, researchers, community workers, and those who want to work with others in their community. ‍We particularly welcome applications from people with lived experience of economic injustice, people of colour, migrants, disabled people and trans people, who are currently underrepresented in leadership positions.

‍We are seeking applicants who: 

  • Want to think strategically about making change happen
  • Who are committed to making a difference in Birmingham 
  • Are a leader in their community or currently building their leadership skills through their work or participation with other groups
  • Understand the importance of self-development and working with others 
  • Demonstrate solidarity and commitment to anti-oppression in their work

‍Movement Builders cohorts are made up of people who understand the importance of both self and collective care to the work we do, and believe that building and sustaining a culture based on anti-oppression, deep understanding and solidarity is central to the change we want to see. We would also hope that participants would be open to being a part of continuing to work with NEON and collaborate with other participants on the programme. 

What is a social movement?

At NEON we think of social movements as being  made up of multiple groups using multiple approaches to challenge a shared problem, with different visions for the world they want to see. It’s a shared problem that unites a movement, and groups in the movement will have different reasons for challenging this problem and different approaches to fighting it.  You might be sharing with decision-makers your story about struggling to afford basic necessities, campaigning for safe and affordable housing, or building alternative economic infrastructure to support community needs. You might not think of your organisation or the work you do as being part of a social movement and you might not use this language, but we think it can be really powerful to see ourselves as part of the same movement and explore what this means, so we can work more collaboratively and strategically, and so we can win.

What does the programme involve?

This is a two-day training taking place on Saturday May 11th and Sunday May 12th 2024. Each day will run from approximately 9:30am-5:30pm (finalised times will be given closer to the date), with time for breaks and food, which NEON will provide.

‍Who will be in the space?

‍When selecting participants for the programme, we try to ensure that the cohort is representative of the different groups and organisations working to create change. We also prioritise applications from people from marginalised groups. Prior to the programme we will be available for any chats you might need to feel as prepared and comfortable as possible before coming into the space.  Our training team and facilitators will also be on hand during the training to support you if needed, and we’ll use breakout groups to help people feel less isolated. 

opening quote
I really valued the knowledge of trainers, the space that was created was one of the best learning spaces I have been in. I valued having time to build relationships with other people in the movement.
Rebekah Ross, Grassroots Organiser, London Renters Union and Harringey Streets Kitchen
closing quote

Application process


As well as asking you about your accessibility needs in our application, we are available to have more in-depth calls to discuss with you what you need to be fully able to participate. If you are successful in your application, we will reach out to you to offer an additional accessibility call.

Application process

We use an application process to find out about the brilliant things you are doing and what you want to get out of the programme, so we can best prepare. Sometimes we do get more applications than we have places available, so we use the application form to determine who we think might be the best fit at this time. 

Participants must be able to join for both days of the training to be accepted onto the programme, as we want all participants to get the most possible benefit from the weekend. 

You can apply via Google Form here, or alternatively if you would prefer to answer your questions via voice note, video or telephone call, let us know. 

‍During the application process, if you require support with the application process, or have questions about access support on the programme, please contact  

During the training programme, we can provide printed slides and our workbooks in other formats. In the application form there is space to tell us about what additional support you may need to participate in the programme.


  • Applications will close at 9:00AM on Monday April 8th
  • Mid April  - participants informed if accepted 
  • We'll then use the weeks after this and before the event to make sure you've got everything you need to participate in the training

Apply for Movement Builders


Movement Builders is free to attend, and we will provide meals and refreshments during the programme.

Running date

Saturday May 11th and Sunday May 12th 2024

Additional information